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New Venue!
After a very challenging 18 months, I'm pleased to announce that Home Fit and Healthy continues to operate from a new location, 2 Watling...
1 min read

Quick, Tasty Fruit Salad
It's nice when a post can be summed up fully in just a picture! A friend recently showed me a great recipe for a fruit salad. Store...
1 min read

First Vaccine Dose Receive in March
On the 1st of March 2021 I received the first dose of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, giving maximum immunity by the time of...
1 min read

Reopening on 12th April
It's not been an easy year, but I'm pleased to announce that I'm able to open back up from Monday 12th April. The gym will be fully...
1 min read

Lower Calorie Alternative to Mashed Potatoes
Cauliflower mash has fewer calories and carbs than mashed spuds and more protein, too. Crucially, it's even passed the test of getting...
1 min read

Sugar Cravings Smoothie
When you're trying to lose weight you want food with a low amount of sugar in it. But when you've got sugar cravings you want food where...
1 min read

Back Pain and Anterior Pelvic Tilt
(For video, please scroll to end). Pressure on the spine from a rotated pelvis can cause pain in otherwise healthy individuals, due to...
5 min read

This Is The New Gym!
This is the new gym! There's new equipment. Double the space. Cardio, strength, weight loss, core training and much more available. Get...
1 min read

Throwing Together a Salad...
Instead of worrying about specific recipes, try these general principles to quickly throw together a tasty salad from whatever you have...
1 min read

Quick Exercise for Combatting Back Pain
Try this exercise to strengthen your back and help reduce BACK PAIN. Weak back muscles can contribute to lower back pain. A simple, easy...
1 min read

Faster Work Out? Supersets!
Want to work out FASTER, do CARDIO and STRENGTH at once and BURN MORE CALORIES than with regular cardio? Try supersets! Supersets are a...
2 min read

How Quickly Can You Get Fit?
(It isn't as long as you think) Getting fit doesn't take as long as you might think. There's 3 main areas of fitness that are important...
3 min read

One Tip for a Perfect Plank
One easy tip for a PERFECT PLANK – useful for CORE STRENGTH and preventing BACK PAIN. Planks are a great way to increase your core...
2 min read

You Don't Need Breakfast
You Don't Need Breakfast In fact, skipping it can help you lose weight. The body has 3 sources of energy: carbs, such as bread, rice and...
1 min read

Has your gym or exercise progress STOPPED?
When you first start training it's easy to make progress. You can do more reps, lift more weight, run further, run faster, any kind of...
2 min read
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